Friday, January 30, 2015

Week 4 slog

I had a rather smooth week compared to many of my peers. My group members are all very hard working and I enjoyed a rather fair workload. I was responsible for a significant portion of the doc string and testing of the code, which ended up being actually interesting and easygoing than the coding itself.

The recursion we learned this week was actually confusing for me. Many students find it to be easier than class. I don’t! I just have a difficult time understanding it! I will probably have to ask a lot of questions on piazza to figure it out

In terms of preparing for the test, I am actually not that nervous. My mom always used to say, what has to come will come. I will just accept it and do the best that I can. If I still flunk it, let it be , I have tried hard!

To be honest I find 148 so much harder than 108. I hope the stuff that keeps on coming up becomes a little easier or slower-paced :DDD

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Why should geek write?

  1. Why should geek write?
Instead of thinking about why should geeks write, it is perhaps better to take a step back to think about why should anyone write. Writing is doubtlessly the most important means of communication between humans. Programmers, like everyone else, are human beings that need to communicate.  The reason to why should geek write is then obvious- to communicate to other geeks and non geeks.

Good writing will lead to good code. It makes sure the code is organized, has proper function and variable names, and is structured to be clear and comprehensive. The good code will make it easy for other programs to test or quote it the code, which will save much time and effort for other programs. In reality, many programmers tend to work together on a single project. If all programmers can write appropriately, it will enhance the efficiency of collaboration, save time and effort, and lead to overall better code. Furthermore, being able to write properly will allow the computer scientists to be more capable of independently conducting scientific research and thesis construction. Writing skills become extremely important in those settings, and allow the programmer to write better research paper which will help advancement in the field of computer science.

Good writing is also important when programmers write to non-geeks. For instance, it becomes important when the computer scientists write to describe its program to potential venture investors or employers. Good writing in those settings can mean a great opportunity for the programmer, and failure in writing skills can lead to failure to catch such opportunity.